Bangkoks designer fruit and vegetable market: Or Tor Kor

Bangkoks designer fruit and vegetable market: Or Tor Kor

101 Kamphaeng Phet Rd, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900

There are many, many markets in Bangkok that are worth a visit - and don’t worry, we’ll get to that soon, but today, well, today we want to talk about Or Tor Kor. Although it somehow slips under the radar by your usual foreign tourists, Or Tor Kor is a gem amongst locals, who know it as Bangkok’s premium fruit and vegetable market. Its reputation is so sparkling that it was even used as a showcase during vice president of the USA, Kamala Harris’s recent visit to Bangkok. 

Well, obviously we had to go and investigate ourselves.

First up, it has to be said, this place is EASY to get to. The underground train,  commonly known as the MRT, stops directly outside the market. Your stop is called Kamphang Phet. There are labels everywhere - and signs warning you not to carry any durian onto the trains - you can’t miss it.

Step one foot into Or Tor Kor, and you can immediately tell this place is a little different. It’s high white ceilings let in the light, and everything looks so incredibly clean. You’re surrounded by beautiful fruit seemingly everywhere you look - and this stuff really is high quality.

As well as local delicacies - Thai mangos, pomelo, dragon fruit, and more, you also have access to imports. Swollen muscat grapes peer down at you from atop stacks of peaches and plums. And we just need to stress again how premium it all is. In summary: this ain’t your regular market. 

So we have to talk about it - the quality. After all, this ain’t your average market. The fruit and veg at Or Tor Kor are high quality. So the big question I’m sure you’ve got on your mind - what about the cost? Yes, you definitely pay more for the quality, but really we’re talking within 50 or so baht. If you compare it to western prices, for us at least, it’s still significantly chesper. And we just can’t emphasize enough - the quality.

There are plenty of options if you’re looking for a meal then and there. As well as a dedicated food court, you can find a series of small restaurants around the rim of the market. You’re spoilt for choice in terms of Thai food, and you can even find a decent pizza restaurant and a bakery (Peaktellers) which makes truly top notch cakes and desserts. 

One of the things that Or Tor Kor has a reputation for is it’s durian. Although it has a negative reputation in the west, purely based on its smell, here in Southeast Asia it’s a true delicacy. There are at least five different durian shops to choose from at Or Tor Kor, with each seller proudly showing off their produce. With all the hype, we had to try Or Tor Kor’s offerings, and found that it was actually pretty good. We’ve tried durian before and I can easily say it’s the best I’ve had. So if you’re ever feeling intrigued by the smell, then maybe this is where you need to go to try your first piece? 

Fruit and vegetables are definitely what Or Tor Kor is known for, but in true Thai market style, there’s a little bit of everything. You can find a fresh fish and seafood market as well as a dedicated trinket section. So whether you’re looking for a meal then and there, fish to take home and cook yourself, some new cutlery, or even a necklace - Or Tor Kor has truly got you sorted. 

Oh, and it must be said, if you’re visiting Thailand and a little worried about the language barrier, well, you really shouldn’t be. Like many of the markets in Thailand, sellers are armed with a calculator, meaning there’s never any real issue. If in doubt, have Google Translate at the ready, and remember, just a friendly “Sawasdee ka/krup” and a smile go a long way .

That’s it, no excuses, get to Or Tor Kor and try some fresh produce. It’s delicious!